Brother Fabian Fehring died 19 June 2019 at the age of 92. Fabian was born in 1926 in Jackson Wisconsin, the son of John and Alma Fehring. He was invested in 1946, perpetually professed in 1950, and ordained in 1953. He served at St. Lawrence Seminary for a year before becoming a missioner in Central America for three years. He then ministered in Milwaukee at St. Benedict Hospital, and then as chaplain at St. Joseph Boys Home in Jackson MI. Brother Fabian ministered at St. Labre in Ashland MT for eight years, and then at St. Joseph Parish in Hardin MT for 46 years. Brother Fabian is survived by three sisters-in-law: Lottie Fehring from Slinger WI, Delores Fehring from Troy, MI and Marlene Fehring from Addison IL. The Liturgy of Christian Burial was 25 June at St. Lawrence, in Wisconsin.