…upon this rock, I will build my church.– Matthew 16:18

These words Jesus spoke to Peter are both challenging and comforting. They challenge us in that we are each called, as Catholics, to continue building His church and they comfort us by knowing with full confidence that His church shall prevail forever.

The Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana is happy to announce the formation of our new “Upon this Rock” Legacy Society. This is an organization of individuals who have informed the Foundation that they have named one (or more) permanent endowments of the Foundation in their will, trust, or estate plan or who have left a bequest or gift to the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana upon their passing.

Mr. John Steffen of Sacred Heart Parish in Glendive was a most generous benefactor toward the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana when he passed away in 2010. Mr. Steffen left a generous financial gift and land to the Foundation so that both would perpetually benefit the Catholic Church within the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings. His legacy gift to the Foundation has assisted the Church in countless ways over the past ten years. And his gift will continue to build the Church for generations to come. Most recently, Mr. Steffen’s generous stewardship funded a large part of the $45,000 grant the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana awarded to sixteen Catholic organizations throughout the diocese (see story on page ???).

Victor Keppers (see story on this page) is now also a member of the “Upon this Rock” Legacy Society. He provided for the everlasting support of the Catholic Church in our diocese by endowing a gift with the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana.

Both Mr. Steffen and Mr. Keppers will be remembered in regular prayer and during a special Mass offered for members of the Legacy Society at least twice a year.

Have you designated the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana and one or more of our permanent endowments for the Church in your will, trust, or estate plan? If the answer is yes, please let us know so that we may include you as a charter member of our new “Upon this Rock” Legacy Society. You may use the coupon below. We will honor all of our members by remembering your special intentions and keeping in touch in personal ways, such as holding a special Mass each year with the Bishop of our Diocese.

Our supporters know that by giving to the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana that the Catholic Church in our diocese will continue to grow and thrive locally.

Please consider designating the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana in your will, trust or estate planning.

The Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana is an independent non-profit organization whose mission is “Endowing the Future of Our Faith.”

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