- If making a gift by cash or check, either deliver your gift in person or be sure it is postmarked by December 31st. The date you deliver or mail your donation is generally recognized as the gift date for tax purposes. Please note: the date on the check is not recognized by the IRS as proof of your intent to give on a particular date.
- You may also give online by credit card before or on December 31. Visit CatholicFoundationMT.org. The gift date is when the donation is charged to your credit card, even if you don’t pay your bill until 2016.
- If you want your gift to be structured in the form of a planned gift for greater tax or income benefits, arrangements can be made after December 31. Just be sure the asset is received by the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana by December 31.
- Gifts of stock, mineral interests, paid-up life insurance, real or personal property all take a certain amount of preparation. Please plan ahead accordingly; visit with Foundation staff for instructions on how to make gifts of these assets. Call 800-332-9998, ext. 120 or email stewardship@CatholicFoundationMt.org.
Please use the envelope enclosed in this issue of The Harvest for your convenience, or send your gift to:
Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana
PO Box 1345
Great Falls, MT 59403
(Please include instructions as to which parish or diocesan ministry your gift is designated)