St. Michael’s Catholic Church joyfully celebrated 100 years in Absarokee on Sunday, June 26, 2016. Mass was concelebrated by Bishop Michael Warfel and Father Greg Staudinger at 11:00 a.m. with approximately 110 parishioners and guests attending. After Mass a group photo was taken by Travis Russell and a catered lunch was held at the Cobblestone School.
A history of St. Michael’s, its members, and the priests who have served the parish was presented by Mike Reynolds during the lunch.
In 1915, Father Michael O’Brien started construction of the original Catholic Church in Absarokee on Woodard Avenue. Total construction costs were $1826.00 with seating capacity for 100 people. St. Michael’s Church was dedicated by Bishop Lenihan on October 11, 1916. After WWII people began taking advantage of the recreational opportunities offered in the beautiful Stillwater Valley and many vacation homes were built in the area. Every Sunday found St. Michael’s filled to overflowing, and in 1952 a building fund was established for a new church in Absarokee. Finally, in 1966 a contract for $47,500.00 was let to Leo Lesnik Construction. On May 2, 1967, the new St. Michael’s Church was dedicated by the Most Reverend William J. Condon. Submitted by Peggy Joki and Rita Westrum