St Charles Parish 5days VBS 2O24 was a huge success though stressful. The theme this year was Hero Central: Discover your strength in God. Our parish was blessed with forty-six Children (Grade 1 to 6). Parents expressed their gratitudes through various phone calls, facebook posts and visits. We had a slight improvement this year by including Children that live in Billings who attend school at St Charles. Instead of Sr Lilian driving the mini school bus to pick and drop Pryor Children, First student Bus was involved daily to pick Billings Children before heading to Pryor. A great relief!

Free Breakfast and Lunch were served daily at St Charles School by the school cooks. This nullified going to get free breakfast and lunch at the high school. Another great relief and improvement. The final day of our VBS was concluded with a Holy Mass and a Field Trip at Oasis Swimming at Billings.

Children, Chaperones and Parents enjoyed Lunch with lots of pizzas and ice cream. It was so nice seeing parents drive to join their kids in swimming.

Our greatest appreciation and prayer goes to the main sponsor of this noble event, St Labre Indian School. May God bless and reward you abundantly.

Sr. Lilian Onovo Parish Life Coordinator St Charles Parish.

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