Bishop Flemings family brings up the gifts.-Photo by Ashley Jaeger Photography

Bishop Warfel and Bishop Fleming Behold the Lamb of God.-Photo by Ashley Jaeger Photography

Bishop Jeffrey Fleming Blesses the people escorted by Master of Ceremony, Father Samuel Spiering.-Photo by Ashley Jaeger Photography

The New Bishop, Jeffrey Fleming, speaks to the people.-Photo by Ashley Jaeger Photography

Deacon Pete Woelkers and Deacon Tim Maroney set the Alter.-Photo by Ashley Jaeger Photography

Deacon Pete Woelkers incenses Bishop Warfel before Liturgy of the Eucharist.-Photo by Ashley Jaeger Photography

Bishop Warfel reading Eucharistic Prayer.-Photo by Ashley Jaeger Photography

Bishop Vetter reading Eucharistic Prayer.-Photo by Ashley Jaeger Photography

Bishop Warfel and Deacon Pete Woelkers raise Body and Blood and end of Eucharistic Prayer.-Photo by Ashley Jaeger Photography

Archbishop Sample, Archbishop Christophe, Bishop Warfel, Bishop Fleming, and Bishop Vetter, proclaim the Lamb of God.-Photo by Ashley Jaeger Photography

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