By Dan and Kristen McGuire

Like many younger couples, we looked at menopause as a golden ticket! Practicing natural family planning for nearly thirty years was a bit of a roller coaster. Freedom from pregnancy concerns, freedom from rationing the romance, freedom from the chore of charting looked so inviting. And it is great!
What surprised us is how NFP prepared us in a good way for the challenges of middle age.

Body image and self-acceptance: In a culture that glorifies young, taut, athletic bodies, we encourage one another to be healthy. An aging body with bulges and tired joints is normal for many people. We support healthy sexuality by accepting that…and even celebrating the changes.

Non sexual intimacy: Decades of meaningful glances, lingering touches and romantic moments stolen amid the chaos of a larger family taught us to appreciate one another. Sexuality is a whole body experience, and middle-aged couples can embrace that in a way that builds each other up, and guards the relationship from lust.

Stronger communication: Honesty and courage mark our communication today…as well as assurance that both of us seek the highest good for each other. Women in particular need emotional reassurance of the marital bond, particularly as the physical changes of menopause present challenges. NFP prepared us to weather the storms that life often sends to older couples.

Periodic abstinence: For most middle aged couples, health challenges can arise that require self-control and even a sense of humor. There is a greater tenderness between us due to our practice of periodic abstinence. In a culture that glorifies a pornographic lack of restraint, we have a context for our urges that unifies us.

So, yes, there is life after NFP…and great joy in finding love in all the seasons of one’s life.

NFP Instructors in Montana

*Meg Bradshaw, R.N. –MM, CB
Butte, MT – 406-490-6344

*Beth Gallagher,FCP – CrMS
Helena, MT – 406-594-1572

*Sara Grotbo, MS, FCP – CrMS
Helena, MT – 406-489-1378

*Meredith Krutar, MSN, FNP-BC, FCP, CrMS
Helena, MT – 406-360-3870

*Katie and Joel LaLiberty – CCL-STM
Belgrade, MT – 970-231-5660

*Sarah Leslie, BA, FCP – CrMS
Helena, MT – 406-461-4776

Karen Miller – BBT, OM, STM
Great Falls, MT – 406-868-3622

*Marissa Morford, FCP – CrMS
Miles City, MT – 406-860-0341

Theresa Quebedeaux, R.N. – STM
Helena, MT – 406-449-6489

*Daphne Sutton – CrMS, OM
Billings, MT – 406-794-1582

*Adina Timmerman, PT, FCP-CrMS
Helena, MT – 701-226-5682

* teaches NFP using distance learning

For a printable brochure with this information on Natural Family Planning, please visit the diocesan website.

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