Grand Knight Barros carrying sign in “March of Life” demonstration.
Council Knights traveled from their hometown in Great Falls to the State Capitol in Helena where this peaceful demonstration was held. Council Knights joined the other demonstrators and protesters present, and rallied at the State Capitol in solidarity with the “March for Life”, an annual event in Washington, D.C.
This gathering of pro-life local supporters from various other organizations and agencies from the entire state of Montana, and from all walks of life, came together to rally against abortion. The coalition of anti-abortion organizations began with prayers, followed with several speakers from numerous political offices delivering speeches in defense of life for the unborn. In addition, support for foster children, sex education and prenatal care were also solicited.
Following the speeches, the group formed a massive pro-life line and staged a march around the State Capitol which consisted of several hundred anti-abortion demonstrators and marchers. Council Knights marching in this crowd proudly carried their “Choose Life” poster.
At the conclusion of the march, Council Knights in attendance introduced themselves to the local 4th Degree Assembly Sir Knights at this gathering, and were welcomed to join them in show of support for the pro-life movement. Council Knights accepted their Brother Sir Knights’ invitation and entered their ranks. A prayer session concluded the event.
Moreover, it is the profound wishes and opinion of the Council’s Grand Knight, who is also the author of this report, that with the blessings from Our Almighty Father, Council 9395 Knights will support the Helena area 4th Degree Assembly by participating in next year’s pro-life “March for Life” event.
Photo and article submitted by Sylvester “Sly” Barros, Grand Knight Council 9395, Great Falls