St. Anthonys

On Saturday October 19th, 35 members of St. Anthony parish in Laurel joined Fr Bart Stevens to pray the Rosary on a glorious Fall day in Thomson Park. Prayer intentions included reparations to [...]


Maintaining Hope in the Fight for Life

By Ella Morone Like many Montana Catholics, I was deeply saddened to hear that CI-128 was passed. This ballot measure enshrined the ‘right’ to an abortion in our state. Combined with the legal [...]


Having Fun Serving!

Since the early 1980’s the Sacred Heart Altar Society has sponsored an annual Fall Dinner. This social event is for anyone in the community to share a good meal with friends. Parishioners of all [...]


Our Seminarian in Rome

Chants and Chortles: Seminarian Thomas Johnson (left) laughs with a fellow choir member before Pontifical North American College deaconate ordinations in St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome that [...]


Jeremy Berka

Father Jay Peterson, Director of Seminarian Formation, represented the Diocese at the annual Mount Angel Episcopal Council meeting October 18, 2023, at the seminary in St. Benedict, Oregon. While [...]


Artisans of the culture of life

By Sister Constance Veit, lsp Each October the Catholic Church in the United States observes Respect Life Month as a time to focus on the protection of God’s precious gift of human life. The [...]