The following teachers were honored on October 19, 2017, at our state teacher’s convention for 25+ years of service to Catholic schools. This is a complete list of those who received the award:
Billings Catholic Schools: Jolene Dow, Linda Gray, Kim Studer, Laurie Linn, Mike Martinson, Michele Mattix, Sally Toner, and Cathy Read; St. Paul Mission Grade School: Sr. Helen Durso OP, Sr. Nora McCarthy OP, Sr. Christine Ferrar OP; Our Lady of Lourdes: Gayle Boule, Terry Flanagan, Marj Fura, Sr. Rita Kohut, Barb Remus, Sherri Schmitz; Sacred Heart: Cecelia Stanley; St. Jude Thaddeus: Lina Ferguson.
Submitted by Dr. Tim Uhl, Superintendent, Montana Catholic Schools