Father Jay Peterson, Director of Seminarian Formation, represented the Diocese at the annual Mount Angel Episcopal Council meeting October 18, 2023, at the seminary in St. Benedict, Oregon. While there he also met with our seminarian, Jeremy Berka, who recently moved from Sidney, Montana, to begin his preparation for ordination to the priesthood. Jeremy, an Oregon native, is in the process of answering God’s call to serve in eastern Montana. Please keep him in your prayers, and, if you or someone you know may be called to the priesthood, information can be found on the diocesan website diocesegfb.org, or through Vocation Director Msgr. Daniel J. Wathen at djwathen@gmail.com, Director of Second Vocations Father Matthew Solarz at frmatt@stmattsidney.com, or Father Peterson at jpeterson@diocesegfb.org.