I was appointed Executive Director of Catholic Social Services of Montana (CSSM) by Bishop Vetter and Bishop Warfel on May 1st, 2022. This was it! My first time as the “head honcho.” I was joyful, but nervous, as CSSM was a decades old organization that had done so much good and had been led by many remarkable people. There were big shoes to fill, and I feel very strongly that we, at CSSM, are doing our best to fill them.
I spent my first-year learning about CSSM and researching how we could expand to serve Montana better. Three ways stood out. 1) Grow our Baby Boutique ministry. 2) Help rebuild the lives of victims of natural disasters; and the greatest of all 3) Support the mental health needs of those across the state.
Our adoption services have built thousands of families over our 70 years. A few years ago, CSSM expanded the adoption ministry to add the Baby Boutique, which provides diapers, wipes, clothing, etc. free-of-charge to families with children that are in need. As Catholics, this ministry also boldly answers the argument, “Catholics only care about getting a baby born, not what happens after.” With this, we can proudly say, “Not true! Look at what we do!” The original location of this service was in Helena, but on November 2nd, with the help of local volunteers, we opened a location in Billings which is already serving many families.
In 2022 and 2023, CSSM was awarded $70,000 in grants to help rebuild the lives of victims from the flooding in southcentral Montana and Hardin. We feel lucky to be able to help people who are in the greatest need they will likely ever experience.
Mental health support is a huge and obvious need in Montana. Within the Catholic community, the need for counseling that can guarantee Catholic teaching would not be violated as a part of the therapy was evident. On November 6th, CSSM hired a highly regarded licensed counselor. He and his family are parishioners of Our Lady of the Valley Parish in Helena. His incredible skills and dedication to his faith ensure he will provide the highest quality service to his clients. We hope you will reach out to us if you or anyone you know is seeking counseling services. These services will be available in-person in Helena and by telehealth statewide. It is easy to get started. Just call (406) 442-4130. You can also visit cssmt.org to learn more.
CSSM is doing everything in our power to serve those in need to the best of our abilities. Please keep us in mind, share our efforts, and support us with your prayers and financial gifts if you are able (CSSM is a nonprofit).
God Bless.
Scott Held, Executive Director, CSSM