Holy Spirit experienced a particularly full Easter celebration. It was with great joy that Holy Spirit Parish in Great Falls welcomed 18 people into the Catholic Church with the Easter sacraments. Surrounded by the largest Vigil crowd in recent memory, the elect heard the story of our faith, the blessing of the Paschal candle and Easter water, then came to the water. Father Dick Schlosser baptized Scott Blair, Natalie Young, Bertand Kadda, Leanna Davis, Emily Judkins and her daughters Rowan and Rebecca, Carston Hanson, Cole Campbell, sisters Madison and Taylor Bergstad, Shani Baker, Kyrah Heusel, Jackson Flesch and Weston Lee. Father Dick anointed each of the elect with chrism, bestowing the sacrament of Confirmation, and then celebrated Eucharist with the assembly.
Two candidates, Chris Judkins and Camille Miser, made their Profession of Faith to come into Full Communion. Quinn Blair joined his father, Scott, for Confirmation on the way to Completion of Initiation.
After the liturgy, a reception of Easter eggs and hot cross buns nourished the neophytes, and several new members returned on Easter morning to receive their second communion. Three more received the sacrament of infant Baptism at 11:00 Easter Morning Mass, and on April 30, 6 more infants were presented by their families for Baptism. On May 13, 46 young people completed their initiation, and at Pentecost, five adults will follow suit.
The hopes and prayers of Holy Spirit are extended to these new members of the Body of Christ!
Submitted by Mary Dupuis